Tuesday, May 08, 2007


I just realized that the "suction cups" treatment I had done is not called moxibustion. Does anyone out there know what I'm talking about and what it's called? Moxibustion involves burning which would explain the "bustion" part of the word...


Anonymous said...

Hey Melanie,
Your children are beautiful! Mrs. Tracy told me that you had a blog, so I looked you up. I'm so thankful I found you. I'll be agreeing with you that your back is healed--those suction marks look painful. It was a blessing to see your Mom. I told her to give you a big hug from me when she got back home to you. Do you have an email address as well, or is this your only web address? I guess anyone can read a blog comment, huh? I'd like to start keeping in touch with you. I love you and are praying for you--You and your family are awesome.
Love you!
Rebecca Bergeron Bouchereau

Anonymous said...

Oh, and my email address is rebeccabouchereau@cox.net I also have a myspace but I'm not sure what the web address is.
