Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Just Misc Stuff

Hello everybody, I just wanted to let you all know that our email and skype are not working at the moment. If anyone needs to contact us urgently, please write to Hopefully, this will get settled soon. (Sara, I miss you!!! And I have a long email waiting to be sent)

I have a few posts brewing in my head but, unfortunately no time to actually write them. So please bear with me as the posts may be few and far between in the weeks to come. But then they might not.

Oh, and please note the the changes in the "care package" lists. We have a couple packages on the way so I have removed the items from the list that we have coming.

Thanks again to all of you who have sent packages. We really, really appreciate it!

In other news, Nate will be starting school this Monday. He will be attending a private Mongolian school. I have really mixed feelings about all this as I was expecting to homeschool. Nevertheless, right now we think it's for the best and I guess we'll see. I will be homeschooling Abi in the mornings, so I'm really looking forward to that.

Kenny is fussy today. It's only 9 am but I can already tell it's going to be one of those days...

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