Thank God the weather in these parts is warming up! After my 13th consecutive winter in this country, I was seriously fighting depression the last couple months. Even now, I feel like I'm still "recovering" from something. The kids find it hard to believe that we can now go out without piling jackets on (for the most part). Kenny asks each time we go out, "Can I go out right away?!" They walk to the store and buy ice cream, ride bikes and roller blade everywhere. I'm just trying not to think about next winter.
Right now, Hetee and I are in the middle of teaching a parenting course. It's going great! It's called Miracle Parenting and it was written by Phil and Cynthis Phillips. We have never met them personally, but once, while traveling in the US, Hetee and I met Phil's parents, Syvelle and Lovie Phillips. Nate was just a baby and they gave us the entire course- books and DVD and asked us to teach it to the Mongolian people. It has been a big help not only to our family but to many others as well.
I'd like to thank so many of you for continuing to check my blog even though I haven't been very good about updating it. Many of you have left comments or written emails to encourage me and I appreciate each and every note I have received. Most of you know this has been a busy time for me. I have been fighting exhaustion. But, like I said above, with winter over I feel that I am getting stronger. God's Word is true. He is good. And I am finding that all out yet again.
More to come!