Anyway, back to the swing. I didn't have much money but when I sat in this hammock swing I just had to have it! The old guy who was selling them gave me a discount and I bought it with my last $20.00. At that time we didn't have a yard or even the prospect of one but I knew that we would eventually have one since we had been praying. We brought it back to Mongolia and pretty much forgot about it. Then Hetee dug it out the other day and set it up for me. It was so nice and, for a minute, I felt like I was taking a siesta under the mango tree in Putla again. That is, until everyone came out to see what all the fuss was. It was nice to show my kids and my husband a little bit of Mexico.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Anyway, back to the swing. I didn't have much money but when I sat in this hammock swing I just had to have it! The old guy who was selling them gave me a discount and I bought it with my last $20.00. At that time we didn't have a yard or even the prospect of one but I knew that we would eventually have one since we had been praying. We brought it back to Mongolia and pretty much forgot about it. Then Hetee dug it out the other day and set it up for me. It was so nice and, for a minute, I felt like I was taking a siesta under the mango tree in Putla again. That is, until everyone came out to see what all the fuss was. It was nice to show my kids and my husband a little bit of Mexico.
Child's Play
Abi in normal voice, but with a hint of scorn: You goin' to jail. You stealed somefing!
Squeeky voice: Oh no, peeeeeese!
Normal voice: I'm gonna put your horse in jail, too.
Squeeky voice: Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh...............
And on and on it goes. She's so darn cute, I wish I could just listen to her play all day. But then I probably wouldn't get anyfing done...
Thursday, May 24, 2007
An Abi-ism
When I asked her why she prayed to the Statue of Liberty she replied that some people pray to the Buddha statue. I explained that we should only pray to God alone. She understood. Still, it impressed me that a three-year-old, who's never even seen the Statue of Liberty, and only heard about it once or twice could compare it to the Buddha statue that's up on a hill on the other side of town.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
A Plea
Normally I don't blog about ministry-related things very much. But I was recently asked to write something that will be published in a German missions magazine and felt impressed to share it with you all tonight.
I would like you to see this post as a plea on behalf of all of those babies who cannot open their mouths and defend themselves.
She sat perfectly still, staring down into her cup of tea. On her face, she wore an expression of disbelief accompanied with sadness and uncertainty. How would she ever cope?
- Nutritional foods to support their pregnant bodies and growing babies
- Prenatal vitamins
- Birth classes
- Prayer and counseling
- Food and baby items once a month up to a year after the baby’s birth
These services are free for the women but they do cost money! The prices of nutrient rich and protein foods have risen in the past months and it leaves us with the need to increase the amounts spent on each woman. But given these changes in prices, it still only takes about $12.00 per week to provide for one woman. Think about it, for what most people spend on a one-time trip to McDonalds, you can save the life of a baby in