Since I try to stay away from medication as much as possible, I opted for the traditional treatment that is widely used here. I expected a massage and maybe a little exercise but was surprised when, after the massage they put those little suction cups on my back. It hurt like crazy at first so I called Hetee in from the hall and asked him if it was supposed to feel like that. He said it was and asked me if I wanted him to call the nurse in to take them off. I refused, reasoning that since I'd come this far I might as well go through with it. Well, the first 5 minutes or so seemed like torture but then, round the 6th or 7th minute I felt my lower back adjust itself 2 times and it felt really nice! After I got home I looked it up on the internet and, as it turns out, moxibustion, as it's called, is good for a bunch of things among them being sciatica and lumbago (lower back pain). Anyway, I have 4 days of treatment left and I can put up with the moxibustion if it means I can have 4 more days of glorious hot oil massages. And all of this for the low, low price of $7.00, believe it or not! I love Mongolia.
I've been having so much fun getting to know my new cell phone. It's a Sony Ericsson (Walkman series) and it has a camera.
So, here's the afore promised picture of my new do. I took it myself with my phone because I hate asking someone to take my picture. Man, the top of my fridge needs cleaning.
Oh, Katya darling, thank you for the comment you left on my last post. Right now I'm eating peanut butter chips and thinking about you. =)
Burning Moxibustion at a certain nerve ending in your little toe will turn a breech baby.
I know....sounds hokey, but it's really not! It's widely used by acupuncturists and even some M.D.'s.
Also smells like marijuana, at least I think so.
I know it as Bioelectric Therapy. I remember my Russian Grandmother doing it then she had pain. They usually heat the cup or burn a piece of cotton inside the cup. Bioelectric therapy also prompts the body to produce endorphins which help to relieve pain.
For your information; please do not use the system when the person has: Bioelectric therapy isn't right for everyone. It is not recommended for people who:
Have a pacemaker.
Are pregnant.
Have thrombosis (blood clots in the arms or legs).
Have a bacterial infection.
OK, you asked or maybe you did not. It’s great that you could take the pain! I think you need more than 1 treatment but no more then 20. Have a great and blessed day.. Actually I was thinking about you and I was thinking on writing something on abortion. When finished I will send it to you.
Hugs and love to all Darling
I like your hairdo!!! I miss you
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