Thursday, June 21, 2007

Why I don't listen to my big sister

So, this morning I'm eating a bowl of corn flakes while simultaneously chatting with my older sister, Leah, online. She's three years older than me. That would make her almost 30.

Anyway, I mentioned that I was feeling a sharp pain in my chest and she suggested I take a quick, deep breath and see if it helps. I did and immediately inhaled my mouthful of cornflakes, down into the uttermost parts of what felt like my lungs. My eyes watered. I choked and sputtered.

The sharp pain I was feeling then is still there, only exacerbated by the half-chewed cornflakes floating around in my lungs!

Watch out y'all. Siblings can be hazardous to your health.

Did I mention she's 3 years older than me?

1 comment:

Gombojav Tribe said...

That's what happens when you online-talk with your mouth full. ;-)