Thursday, March 26, 2009

Home, At Last

We made it home last night around 7 o clock, and went straight to my parents' to pick up the kids. To say we missed them would be an understatement. We were all so happy to see each other that we clung rather than hugged. It sure is good to be home. We ate a quick meal at mom's then headed home to open presents. The kids were so excited to get some great toys. =)

Since it's hard to find the time to update you all on our trip in one sit-down, I'll post pics and give you the highlights. It may be a bit sporadic, but I'll try to keep it as organized as possible.

Eating crab at an outdoor restaurant in Singapore

Pastor Melvyn Mak and Hetee (displaying a crab claw for our Mongolian friends to see)

Our hosts, Cynthia and Steven and their 2 sons, outside of an awesome Mexican restaurant. Cynthia and Steven are professional matchmakers and have made many successful matches. They then counsel the couple on into marriage!

Delirious? ministered during the conference by leading the praise and worship. They also held a concert afterward. We got to hang out with them and have our meals together in the VIP lounge...way cool! Did you know that Martin Smith has 6 kids!?

More to come...

1 comment:

~ Amanda ~ said...

love the pictures, keep them coming!