Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A Plea

Normally I don't blog about ministry-related things very much. But I was recently asked to write something that will be published in a German missions magazine and felt impressed to share it with you all tonight.

I would like you to see this post as a plea on behalf of all of those babies who cannot open their mouths and defend themselves.

She sat perfectly still, staring down into her cup of tea. On her face, she wore an expression of disbelief accompanied with sadness and uncertainty. How would she ever cope?

Her future had been laid out like a freshly ironed shirt. Her oldest sister, who worked to support the family, made sure that her little sister was taken care of financially. Things were tight but she wanted the best for her youngest sibling who was just barely 17. Their mother was proud of both her girls. With high school graduation out of the way, they all looked forward to the furthering of her education, and the bright future that no doubt awaited this young girl who sat before me now with trembling hands.

Sitting next to her, was her young boyfriend. He had just begun his first year of university and a baby was nowhere in his plans. He knew that having sex before marriage was wrong, yet giving in seemed to give them the security they needed before he went away to school. Some security!, he thought. Now, their future was more uncertain than ever. Maybe his parents were right. For the first time, he agreed with them that his future and his education must come first. There would be plenty time for a family after he graduated and got a good paying job. Yes, he was sure that abortion was the way to go. He squared his shoulders as a look of bravado washed over him. But the boldness he felt at his decision was quickly replaced with fear once more as he glanced over at his girlfriend. Was abortion really as dangerous as they say?, he wondered. And what about the baby? Is abortion the same as killing someone? He looked hopefully at the man and woman sitting in front of him. Maybe they can give me some answers.

As my husband and I sit across from these 2 young people who are struggling with an unplanned pregnancy, I whisper a prayer for direction in how to help. Together, my husband and I have carried the pro-life torch in Mongolia for over 7 years now, and stories like this one are all too familiar to us. We explained to this young couple that under no circumstances are we to take the life of another human being and that having an abortion would mean ending the life of their precious baby. The girl, who was told by her mother and sister that she would be cut off from her family if she did not have the abortion, was torn apart. She wanted more than anything to have her baby but with no financial help from her family she felt that her only option was abortion. She knew that it was wrong but couldn’t see how she could take care of a baby with no husband, no money and no education. If only she had somewhere to turn for financial help…

In my experience in working with women in Mongolia, the number one reason for having an abortion is lack of money to raise a child. Now, thanks to a unique ministry called the Little Hearts Feeding Program, we are able to offer practical help to women in need. Through the LHFP, each week we provide them with:

  • Nutritional foods to support their pregnant bodies and growing babies
  • Prenatal vitamins
  • Birth classes
  • Prayer and counseling
  • Food and baby items once a month up to a year after the baby’s birth

These services are free for the women but they do cost money! The prices of nutrient rich and protein foods have risen in the past months and it leaves us with the need to increase the amounts spent on each woman. But given these changes in prices, it still only takes about $12.00 per week to provide for one woman. Think about it, for what most people spend on a one-time trip to McDonalds, you can save the life of a baby in Mongolia!

We currently have 7 women taking part in our program and one of them is the girl you read about. Her baby boy, Victory, is now 3 months old and he and his mom continue to receive groceries each month and counseling and prayer whenever they need it. Dad visits on the weekends and is doing great in his studies. He expresses his gratitude to us for taking care of his young wife (yes, they got married!) and son while he finishes his studies.

What about mothers who are pregnant and are NOT considering abortion, but are still faced with extreme poverty? We are currently helping 2 of these women get the nutrition they need in order to have healthy births and happy babies. Prenatal nutrition can mean the difference between a low birth weight/sick baby or a healthy birth and a healthy baby.

Please think about how you can help. We desperately need funds to keep this ministry in operation. It’s so simple yet $12.00 USD a week, just a little over one dollar a day, has actually made all the difference in the lives of countless people so far. Please help us to continue saving lives through your prayers and financial donations!

If anyone is interested in helping, please email me at to find out how.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mel, I have been reading and much more interested in Pro-Life since we came back from Mongolia. You know how it is in the US, you kind of hear it and then that’s it. It as if Murder- is a compassionate alternative to solving all the ills of life! Your article is great.. Perhaps if it’s OK with you I will send it to my fiends around the country.

I thought about all the baby girls that are murdered in so many countries, simply because they are girls. Then I think of my son with 5 daughters, Hetee with Abi and the love that uses from him when he seas her.. That is what little girls need. That is what every child needs from mom and dad!

I met a lady that works with children and parents here and has been for 30 years. She is going to see if she can get the DVD for natural birth. Also, she is willing to share the classes she holds both for the county and the church on child raising.. As soon as I have them I will forward them.

Love and blessings, Katya