Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Yay! (and a word about care packages)

We got a care package in today from Cheri!

We had to wait about an hour for the customs agent to show up. When he got there he just let me take the package and didn't even bother to open it or charge me the customs fee. He must have been having a good day!

Thank you so much for brightening our day, Cheri. We had tacos for supper, per my Mongolian husband's request! And I got to break out the band aids for Kenny after he cut his thumb on a little mirror.

I introduced my kids to miniature marshmallows and they loved them. I don't think I'll be able to make anything with them cause the kids are gobbling them up! (I am too!)

Notice the marshmallows aren't pictured. They were already opened and being devoured!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Cheri!

If anyone else is interested in sending a care package, please read the "care package ideas" list to the right of this page. I've removed the things I received and added a few more things that we would consider a treat. (I LOVE cheesecake. I can't believe I didn't think of that before!)

Packages tend to get pretty battered up on the way over here so here are some tips for packing:
  • I think you all know this already, but use a sturdy box =)
  • pack bottles of liquids in Ziplocks to contain leaks. We reuse the Ziplocks here.
  • use vacuum seal bags for powder packets.
  • ask for alternative shipping rates at the post office. There may be rates for packages that take longer but are a lot cheaper. Just think: you'll be blessing us with a care package and helping us develop patience at the same time.
Please remember that we share a lot of what we receive in care packages. Things like children's vitamins, Tylenol, and diaper rash ointment get used not just by my kids but by the many, many babies in church, too. We can never get too much of that sort of thing.

Spices and other kitchen goodies are fun to share with my Mongolian friends who enjoy cooking. Also, my mom and I are always trading back and forth so this gives me something to bless her with, too!


Cheri said...

Did everything get there okay? I wasn't sure about vacuum sealing the spices - I didn't want to crush them!

Anonymous said...

Where do we send care packages? I think this would be a great missions project for my Bible class.
